
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Sophie: a new bike to grow in to.
William: bath time has become our saviour to ‘witching hour’  (4:30-6 at our house). His favourite time of the evening.

I feel as if life got away from me this week, that feeling of over-extending oneself and carrying a certain level of stress around, no matter what. There wasn’t really anything extraordinary going on, just the usual stuff, but somehow it seemed like more. As I lay in bed this morning (the rest of the house up as Wes had woken at 4am to watch the men’s gold medal hockey game) I realized it was Sunday and I hadn’t consciously taken a single photo of my kids all week. Wes gets full credit for the photo of Sophie–one he took to document her receiving her new bike (luckily, for the sake of me and my blog!). William, well, I got this one this evening, which may be last-minute, but I think it is oh-so-cute.

So now I breathe… and regroup… (both kids are in bed), and take comfort in  that tomorrow is Monday, and the start to a fresh, new week.